About school and special education center (SEC)

Elementary school

Located in Brno in the Czech Republic (google maps), Štolcova Elementary School is a semi-budgetary organization focused exclusively on educating pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder and is a unique school of this kind in the Czech Republic. Pupils attending this school suffer from autism in combination with intellectual disability and possibly with some other types of disability (physical, behaviour disorder, epilepsy, etc.); all pupils in our school suffer from the highest level of disability. The first class for autistic pupils was opened in 2003.

As of 1 September 2004, a special education center (SEC) was launched within the school, focused exclusively on children, pupils and students suffering from issues relating to Autism Spectrum Disorder. This education and counselling facility operating all over the South Moravia Region provides free counselling, methodological and diagnosis activities, as well as specialized educational and educational-psychological services.

Currently the school has 13 classes providing education for about 80 pupils. Teaching and educational activities for students are provided by a sufficient number of qualified teaching staff. In addition, there is also a school club available. Classes start in September and end in June and during this period the school is open for pupils from 7:30 a.m. till 3 p.m. Educational activities are organized in blocks adjusted to suit pupils’ special abilities and skills.

Our priority is to enable autistic children to have optimal skills and capacities development using structured teaching methodology based on TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) programme principles.

With regard to communication skills development, we have been using communication methodology with visual support (based on PECS – Picture Exchange Communication System) for a number of years. We believe that education should be a stepping stone to the highest quality of life, to establish personal relationships, acquire the right habits and skills, get insight into and better understanding of situations our students encounter on a daily basis and will encounter throughout their whole lives.

Our school has published methodologies on working with autistic children; these are currently being translated into English.

Throughout the year, we organize activities for parents and their children (Christmas party, garden party, visitors’ day, etc.). Once a year, our students participate in a residential outdoor school. The comprehensive education we provide also involves swimming and skating courses, visits to the theatre, museums, one-day trips and also trips over several days. Our current, as well as our graduate students also represent our school in a music ensemble called “Au-band”. Moreover, drawing, painting and pottery work created by our students is often included as part of exhibitions, exhibition previews, charitable events and auctions.

We work in close cooperation with a wide range of non-governmental non-profit organizations providing students with leisure activities, both group-organized and in the form of personal assistance.

Being a “faculty school” of Brno Masaryk University, our elementary school hosts internships of university students. Moreover, we provide courses on autism accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

If the information mentioned above is of any interest to you and you would like to learn more, do not hesitate to write to us. We are keen to share experiences with others. And we will be happy if you provide some support to our school, be it material or financial support.

Contact us: zs@autistickaskola.cz

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Special Education Center (SEC)

SEC is established at the Basic school, Brno, Štolcova 16th.
In 2004 there was founded Special education center (SEC) specialized on special education and inclusive counselling support for children and students with ASD educated in the South Moravian Region.

Target group:

Special education center is counseling facility for children and students with autistic spectrum disorders who live or are educated in South Moravian Region. SEC provides support also everyone who participates in education and educational intervention of these children, ie. family members, teachers and educators.

Our team:

  • 2 psychologists
  • 4 education consultants, special pedagogues
  • social worker


  • diagnostic activities
  • methodological activities
  • therapeutic activities
  • consulting and counselling activities
  • awareness and education activities

Activities of Special education centre (SEC)

SEC organize, alone or in cooperation with other educational institutions, projects in the field of further education of teachers and educators. Projects are implemented both presence attendance or e-learning form. Education is not only focused on the area of special education but also on improvement of the awareness about inclusive education of the teachers in mainstream education.

In the long term SEC cooperates with the Department of Pediatric Neurology in University Hospital Brno and regional child psychiatrists and clinical psychologists. At the request of clients there is communication and participation in the implementation of therapeutic procedures. Together SEC and experts also engage to educational activities for educational, social and health workers.
SEC is involved in the creation of conceptual materials relating to the education of students with ASD. These activities are realized in cooperation with professional organizations or directly with the Ministry of Education, youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. SEC is also an active partner of local and regional authorities in creating conditions conducive to effective education of children and students with ASD.

Contact us: spc@autistickaskola.cz